Decisions about Drive-in Services

We want you to know we miss being together! We are working to ensure we are a part of our county’s reopening plan. I wanted to bring some clarity for how we are navigating these times.

  • We are committed to worshiping weekly with excellence, safety, and creativity in this unique season where our normal gatherings aren’t possible
  • Our leadership has been invited to actively take part in the ongoing conversation for how to reopen SLO County. I am working specifically with our Pismo Beach task force led by our city manager Jim Lewis. This team is committed to reopening Pismo Beach safely and responsibly.
  • We will communicate any changes to our ministries and worship service plans to everyone at New Life Pismo as promptly as possible. You can always check this webpage for our most up to date information.
  • We are aware of the County’s recent permission to have “drive-in services.” At this time, for a variety of reasons, our leadership has determined that we will not be pursuing any “drive-in services” for this weekend and will continue with our online worship gatherings until further notice.
  • Please pray for our leadership as we seek the Lord, his wisdom, and his peace in these days!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor David