We are so glad that you’ve decided to check out New Life! Whether you are new to faith, new to the area, or just checking out this whole “church thing” we hope you feel welcome here! We would love to get to know you. If you visit us on campus during a weekend service (Saturday 6pm • Sunday 9am + 11am) we’d encourage you to stop by Welcome Central on the patio where we’d love to answer any questions you have and give you a gift! If you’re joining us online, we’d also love to get to know you and find ways we can serve you and your family. We’d love for you to fill out the communication “card” by clicking on the button below.
At New Life we believe church isn’t an event to attend, but a family to belong too…and our family is better because you’re in it. Welcome to the family! Let us know any ways we can help you plug in and go beyond a weekend experience (whether online or in person).