
Week 2

Realigning with God • Jesus Proclaims the Kingdom

I know, I know. It’s odd to start a series on the Old Testament with Jesus and His Kingdom. However, we have the immense privilege of being able to read through the Old Testament in LIGHT of Jesus and his proclamation that the Kingdom is near! As we hope you’ll see throughout this series, the Old Testament, and all its laws and flaws and characters…are ALL pointing to Jesus! So this week, let’s make sure we realign ourselves with God and his kingdom…because that’s what it’s all about!


Here’s a great video explaining God’s Kingdom and why it’s GOOD NEWS!


GOT MORE TIME? the Bible Project has a great podcast series discussing God’s kingdom in great depth!


In the “Invitation” Book, read Chapter 1:

• Day 1: Announcing the Kingdom
• Day 2: Missional Community
• Day 3: The Mission and the Kingdom
• Day 4: A holy missional community
• Day 5: God’s GPS for Living

In the Bible read:

• Matthew 4:17-22
• Psalm 119:97-106


Questions for journaling or discussing with a friend or group:

• What would it look like for you to realign with God today?

• Who currently walks with you in your journey with God into the world on mission? Who needs to join you?

• It is interesting that Jesus’ initial call to his first disciples is not, “Come, believe in me.” but rather, “Come, follow me.” Do hear more talk about “believing” in Jesus or “following” Jesus? What is the difference?

• Who are the people in your life that God desires for you to serve and bless as God has blessed you?

• “Jesus understands that the kingdom is more dangerous to the world than the world is dangerous to the kingdom…He is not worried about having his light snuffed out by the world.”  How does this statement shift how you engage with the world?

• What kind of person do you hear Jesus calling you to become?

• In the Invitation, Brian Russell explains our GPS for life is: God’s mission (mission), Persons in community (community), Spirit-transformed (holiness). Which of these areas do you need to grow in the most?