Spread the Wonder – Lucia Mar



The Lucia Mar School District has identified thousands of kids who are struggling with homelessness and/or hunger. While in school, these kids have access to meals through school programs; however, while the kids head into Christmas break, many of their families have to worry about getting healthy meals on the table. So, we’ve decided to do what we can to ensure our friends get to experience all the wonder and joy that Christmas brings. We are asking that you would consider purchasing gift cards for these families. We’ve set a goal of $10,000 in gift cards and you’ll be able to see our progress on our Wonder Wall in the lobby. For every $100 donated we’ll twist in a light bulb…and hopefully by Christmas Eve, the whole wall will be lit up! Drop off cards at the Wonder Wall, Welcome Central or main office.




Local Grocery Stores
Super Cuts
Sports Cuts

Big 5
Clothing stores in the outlets

Gift cards in increments of $25 or $50 please.

If you would like to donate money to this cause without purchasing gift cards you can click on the button below and designate your gift to go to “Care-Lucia Mar Students”

Donate to Lucia Mar Fund   •    Lucia Mar Project Update