Category: Covid 19 Updates
Updates on New Life response to Covid19
Outdoor Services
Join Us this weekend!
During this season we’ve learned a lot. First, we’ve learned that there is no barrier that the Holy Spirit cannot break through! Second, we’ve learned to be flexible and hold our plans loosely since I’m sure you know how fast things can change. Due to our county’s latest standings and health guidelines, we’ve decided to move our service back outdoors.
Our outdoor SERVICES will be SundayS
No RSVP required – just come!
Indoor/Outdoor Services
It has been a long 17 weeks since our last indoor service; however, God has been active and present in our midst even during these extraordinary circumstances. We are so excited to be able to open the doors to our buildings once again! As we take these new steps towards regular indoor services we would LOVE your help and support so we can keep moving forward in a way that keeps us healthy and shows love to our community. First we ask that you read through this page to make sure you know exactly how this will all work! Second, we want you to know that we understand that this is wonky and awkward and not normal…we are right there with you! However, we are willing to put in the extra work and take the extra steps so we can continue to gather as the people of God and lift up the name of Jesus together!
Our first indoor/outdoor services will be July 5 at 9am + 11:30am
Steps Toward Regathering
COVID Update 5.22.20 from New Life Resources on Vimeo.
Pastor David gives an update on our plans for regathering and our commitment to do so with a focus on how we can best love and serve our community. The good news is that the church continues to be the church, even when we’re not gathered together. We’ve been so encouraged by way New Lifers have been serving their community, and we pray that spirit of generosity continues as we move forward.
We would love to hear from you.
If you are a regular attender at New Life we are asking you to complete a short survey as we plan for reopening.
Thank you.
How will we proceed?

This is a significant moment for the Church as we determine how to prayerfully move through this time. Even though we’re all in the same storm, we’re not always in the same boat. We tend to see things differently based on our own experiences. But the reality is that the way we see things isn’t the way everyone else sees things. We are taking all perspectives into account as we determine an appropriate plan to reopen the Church campus within the legal guidelines. In this update, Pastor David talks through the different perspectives we’ve seen and how we can continue to be the Church in a time of crisis.
County START plan and National Day of Prayer
This is a significant week for our county as decisions are made regarding how to move forward towards reopening. There will be a lot of speculation about what should or shouldn’t happen, but this week is also significant because Thursday May 7th is our National Day of Prayer. So, let’s determine in our hearts to be a people of prayer, covering our leaders and asking for Godly wisdom as they decide how to move forward. Our leaders at New Life are also making prayerful decisions about how we will respond, and we will send out an update on Friday to share our plans with you.
Decisions about Drive-in Services
We want you to know we miss being together! We are working to ensure we are a part of our county’s reopening plan. I wanted to bring some clarity for how we are navigating these times.
- We are committed to worshiping weekly with excellence, safety, and creativity in this unique season where our normal gatherings aren’t possible
- Our leadership has been invited to actively take part in the ongoing conversation for how to reopen SLO County. I am working specifically with our Pismo Beach task force led by our city manager Jim Lewis. This team is committed to reopening Pismo Beach safely and responsibly.
- We will communicate any changes to our ministries and worship service plans to everyone at New Life Pismo as promptly as possible. You can always check this webpage for our most up to date information.
- We are aware of the County’s recent permission to have “drive-in services.” At this time, for a variety of reasons, our leadership has determined that we will not be pursuing any “drive-in services” for this weekend and will continue with our online worship gatherings until further notice.
- Please pray for our leadership as we seek the Lord, his wisdom, and his peace in these days!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor David