The Church…the bride of Christ, the covenant people of God made new in Christ, the Body of Christ called together by the Holy Spirit through the Word. A diverse community, united by the Spirit and the shared mission to partner with God in the redemptive and reconciling ministry of Christ.
[RUMINATE: to chew on, ponder, or meditate on]
Each week, we will P.R.A.Y. – “P,” pausing to be still. “R,” ruminating on scripture. “A,” asking God to help us and “Y,” yielding to His will in our lives, come what may. This practice is also known as “Lectio Devina,” which is Latin for “Divine Reading.” Lectio Devina is an ancient practice dating back to early Christendom and is a way of meditating on a passage of scripture and letting the Holy Spirit speak to you afresh through the ancient words.
We want these truths to be engrained on your heart; solidified there to be recalled in a moment of need. We’d love for you to intentionally memorize a passage of scripture that we’ll all me memorizing together! This week’s verse is a bit long but we know you can do it if you’re determined! For the lock screens, we focused on verses 3 and 4 to get you started. Even if you only master those two verses this week, we’ll call that a win!
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all.
Download this image with this week’s verse on it and set it as the lock screen on your phone. This way, every time you look at your phone (about 4,932 times per day) you are reminded of God’s truth and you’re one step closer to committing it to memory. As a way to help you get one step closer to memorization, these lockscreens only have the first letter of each word in. the verse. We also have a couple options for you to choose from: one that has a more feminine feel, and one that’s a little more masculine. Click on the thumbnail to download.
Need help installing these lock screens? CLICK HERE
Need help installing these lock screens? CLICK HERE
These are some great apps to help you commit these verses to memory. Keep in mind as you begin your memorization journey, the goal is to hide scripture in your heart in order to be full of God’s truth. Don’t allow this practice to become a burden or a Pharisaical way to pat yourself on the back. These apps will give you badges and gold stars for reaching your goal…don’t let that become what it’s about. There are two apps that we’ve found. Bible Memory is free. Verses is simpler and more esthetically pleasing but it costs $5 a year if you want to use a translation other than KJV.
As this season has made it easier to isolate, we want to lean into community! We encourage you to discuss the things God is revealing to you! Whether that’s your Life Group, a mentor, or simply one friend or neighbor that you choose to be intentional with…we know that one of the best ways to work out the things God is stirring in us is through community! Take a risk and find someone to discuss God’s Word with this week!
Click below to download the group discussion guide that follows along with the weekend messages. This is a great resource to help you dig a little deeper and discuss the things God is teaching you through the weekend messages as well as your time in the Word this week.
If you’d like to dig a little deeper on this week’s topic of justification, we’ve complied some great resources from Pastor Tim Mackie and the Bible Project, as well as some great questions to get the conversation started with whomever you’re discussing with.