No matter where you are in your spiritual journey or what your circumstances are, we pray this blessing over your life. We pray you know that you are not alone and that God, the creator of all things, IS FOR YOU!
These are unique and difficult days. There is no denying that. However, we also can be confident that illness and isolation will not have the last word over our lives, our community, or our world. Hope, that began over 2,000 years ago in a quiet tomb, continues to echo throughout the earth, and through it we become more fully alive, even in the most difficult of situations.
New Life next steps
Ways you can echo hope this season:
1. Visit or donate to the U-Pick Food Pantry
If you find yourself in the position where you need some assistance getting food, whether through financial strain or because you are at a higher risk medically during this time. We are here to help! Click on the Panty button to learn more about our operational hours and services. The Pantry will be open on Easter Sunday. Also, if you find yourself in the position to give back during this time, we are always looking for donations. The pantry is only possible through the incredible generosity of our church. You can donate food or monetarily through our general fund.
2. Neighborly Love
We believe some of God’s greatest movements have always happened during some of the most unlikely moments. We believe God is going to unleash the power of His care, love, and kindness during this unforeseen time. There are two resources we believe are in high supply in the coming weeks – TIME and KINDNESS. So, we want to harness these resources to love our neighbors.
NEED a Neighbor?
If you find yourself with some unexpected needs during this season, let us know how we can help! Some examples might include getting groceries, running errands, or simply some prayer and encouragement!
BE a Neighbor.
Many of us find ourselves with a lot more time on our hands. Why not use that time to help others?! We’re trying to help with deliveries, making sure our pantry and warming centers stay open, and just general encouragement!
3. Change your facebook profile pic and/or cover image.
Temporarily change your profile picture to our Easter logo…which is a tomb…but also a rainbow, signifying the hope we have in the death and resurrection of Jesus. You click on the buttons below to open the images. Then right click them to save them to your computer and/or photos.
4. Echo Hope in your driveway
You can also use chalk to write messages of hope on your sidewalk to let walkers know that we are in this together! There’s been a chain reaction going around New Life of people writing “Hope Echoes” on the driveways of friends and neighbors. Have you seen any?