
Women's Christmas Breakfast
Dec 8, 2018 at 9:00 AM

Gather with other ladies for a delicious breakfast, worship, and an inspiring guest speaker, Leslie Garman. You can join us for breakfast, the service, or BOTH. You must have a ticket for breakfast, (this event is sold out)…but all are welcome to listen to the speaker in the main auditorium for free starting at 10:15 am.

December 8 | 9am
Breakfast tickets are sold out.

December 8 | 10:15 am
Guest Speaker, Leslie Garman

Every person has a story that kneads them into who they are. Jesus uses Every. One. Of. Those. Stories!! He uses them to remind the church and those watching the church, that we are all sinners saved by grace and what we bring to the table matters!
So join us as we hear a passion filled message and testimony of Leslie Garman.
Leslie and her husband Greg have pastored various churches, including Newhall, CA for 22 years. 
In 2015, Greg was elected District Superintendent of the Los Angeles District for the Church of the Nazarene and Leslie imagines that she is the wackiest DS’s spouse in the history of the denomination. 
