
KidsMIn Services On July 4th 10 am
Jul 4, 2021 at 10:00 AM

We are so excited to be able to offer an in-person option for our kids! Not only to help our kids live fully alive in community with one another, but to also give parents a much needed break to be able to enjoy service! These details may change as we work out space issues and as more and more kids come to KidsMin each week. YAY! Here’s the bullet points of things to know:• BIRTH – 1st Grade : During both Sunday morning services inside the Education Center. You’ll check your kids in the first classroom on the second floor.

2nd -6TH GRADE: During both Sunday morning services, in the Life Center. Check in through the door closest to the large parking lot. (note: starting in June 1st grade will meet in the Education wing))

JUNIOR HIGH : SUNDAYS • During the 11am service • inside the Student Center Auditorium.

HIGH SCHOOL: Wednesday Summer Nights at the Student Center @ 6pm
