
Fully Alive Crew Rally
Sep 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM

At New Life, we want to see you living fully alive in Jesus! The best way to get started in this is to join a crew! By serving together you will meet other awesome people, united in a common see OTHERS live fully alive in Jesus too! A couple times a year, all our crews gather together for an evening of vision, excitement, alignment, and fun! If you serve in any capacity anywhere at New Life (or you’d like to jump in) you are invited to our Fully Alive Crew Rally. You’re not going to want to miss out on this awesome night!

Join us for a night of information, and inspiration

And a time to connect and eat some dessert together in the Lobby.

Limited childcare for 0-5yrs upon request. Contact the church office for availability 805 489-3254.
