Thank you for spending your evening with us! We would love for you to join us again soon for a weekend service or another fun event!
Sunday Services • 9am & 11am
Each Sunday we gather together to worship God and grow in our relationship with Him. Plus, we have great coffee and lots of opportunities to meet others and get connected!
Kids Church also at both services for birth-6th grade.
Junior High Service on Sundays at 9am in the Community Center Cafe (across the street on Crest)
Christmas tree lighting • December 4 • 6pm
During the Christmas season, our prayer walk will be transformed into a “winter” wonderland with lots of twinkling lights, a 60-foot light tunnel, and a live Christmas tree! Join us as we light it all up for the first time of the season! There will also be a hot cocoa, food, photo opportunities, Christmas carols, and more!
New Life Yth
All junior high and high school students are invited to join us each and every Wednesday evening in our Student Center (across the street on Crest Way) for a time to hang out with other students, worship God, learn more about Jesus and connect in meaningful relationships.
Christmas market
We want to bless the socks (or stockings) off our community this Christmas season! We are collecting items like blankets, food, hygiene products and household items. We would love for you to be a part of this incredible opportunity to show families that they are seen, loved, and cared for by the One who created them!
New Life U-Pick Pantry
If you or someone you know is struggling with food insecurity, we want to come alongside you and provide a little support. We have a U-Pick Pantry where individuals can come once a week to shop for the groceries they need. We have fresh produce, dairy, and many of the staples.
THURSDAYS • 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM