We are so grateful that you’ve been praying for our community to flourish and that you want to participate in what God is doing through New Life. Official Pledge Sunday was May 19 where we will celebrate together as a church the commitments we are making. Please plan to bring your pledge cards and/or physical gifts on the 19th. You can start the pledge progress with the “make a pledge” button above and see the process as you pray about it. Below you’ll find more information on how and when to pledge and/or give.
Making a Pledge
A pledge is your promise to contribute a total amount of money over the course of the Flourish Campaign (through December 2026). A pledge is different than a gift in that no financial transaction is made with a pledge only. When you give to the campaign, each gift (whether online or via check or cash) will be reflected in the progress of your pledge. No matter how you plan on giving, making a pledge helps the church plan, budget, and steward well God’s resources.
If at all possible, we encourage you to make your pledge online. Even if you’re planning on giving by check, it helps us track effectively. If you need help, we can assist you in making your pledge official online. To set up your pledge, click on “make a pledge” above. Enter the total amount you pledge to give over the course of the Flourish Campaign (from now through December 2026). If you’ll be giving in a recurring manner, this may require some math.

NOTE: If you’ve never given online through PushPay, you will need to do a one-time account link/set-up. You will be prompted to enter your name and email address to create an account. It’s easy and uses your phone number to link with your other New Life data. If you would not like to create an account, please let us know on your pledge card and we will create the pledge on your behalf. Once you’ve done this, you can log in easily to track your pledge progress, give toward your pledge, and more.
Making a Gift
A pledge is NOT an actual gift or donation; it is simply a promise to give. Therefore, in order to contribute to the Flourish Campaign you will have to give donation(s) online or via check or cash.

The easiest way to give to your pledge is to set up a recurring online gift at the time you set up your pledge. You can give from your bank account or a credit card. This can also be done at any time. You can also give one-time gifts online to Flourish which will contribute towards your pledge. Once you’ve set up your pledge, click “give to campaign” from your pledge progress page. (you can get there by logging into your account via the button at the top of the page) You can also give online to the campaign by simply selecting “flourish” in the drop-down menu of our normal giving portal (online or on the app). As long as you’re logged in, these gifts will be reflected in your pledge progress.
You can give by check or cash by writing “Flourish” in the memo of your check or by putting it (or cash) in a purple giving envelope and writing “flourish” in the “other” line. Our bookkeeping team will make sure these funds reflect in your pledge.
If you wish to donate non-cash gifts (appreciated assets like stocks, 401k/IRA distributions, etc.) please contact Pastor Dan to make arrangements.
Got more questions? Check out our Flourish FAQ
Want even more step by step directions to pledge? CLICK HERE