Child Dedications
Children are a gift and inheritance from the Lord. If you would like to dedicate your little bundle of joy during one of our services we would love to celebrate and support you!
March 2, 2025 | 9am & 11am Sunday service
What is child dedication?
Child dedication is an act of parents who bring their child before the church congregation to publicly declare that the child belongs to God and that the parents desire to raise their child to understand and follow the things of God.
Why is child dedication important?
- It perpetuates the example of parents in the Bible. Both Jesus and Samuel were dedicated to the Lord (Luke 2:22; 1 Samuel 1:10-11)
- It recognizes how important children are to the Lord. Jesus gave special recognition to children by taking them in his arms, putting his hands on them and blessing them. (Mark 10:16)
- Therefore, child dedication is both a public commitment of the parents, and a public blessing of the child.
What are we doing when we dedicate our children?
- I publicly affirm my personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and renew my dedication to him and his Word.
- I will pray for God’s direction in my life and the life of my child.
- I will faithfully participate in Sunday celebrations with my child.
- I will teach my child the truths of God’s Word in my home.
- I will anticipate and seek to lead my child to a personal faith in Christ as he/she is ready.
- I recognize that my child belongs to God and has been born to experience his love and serve him.
How can we prepare for child dedication Weekend?
- At some point during the week, go into your child’s room while he/she is asleep and together personally dedicate your child to the Lord.
- Pray over him/her
- Tell God how thankful you are for the child.
- Affirm the child’s uniqueness and your intent to discover it and encourage it.
- Affirm your recognition of this child as a gift from God and His sovereignty over the child’s life.
- Affirm your intention to raise the child in the things of God through teaching God’s Word, prayer and church attendance, and ask for the wisdom to do it.
- Ask for the salvation of your child.
What is the procedure on Sunday morning?
- Bring your child to the service for which you have been scheduled. Please arrive 15 minutes early as we will take a family photo beforehand for your certificate.
- We will call your family forward, the pastor will hold your child (if your child is comfortable), and pray a prayer of dedication
- You will receive a Bible and a dedication certificate will be mailed to you.