Grow Beyond the Weekend

We are all being formed by something…and let’s be honest, an hour or two on Sundays just isn’t enough time to combat all the subversive ways that we are being shaped into the image of the things of this world. For that reason, we’ve curated and cultivated some tools to help you grow beyond the couple hours you are on campus (or watching online) each week. It’s our prayer that you would used these tools to be shaped more and more into the likeness of Christ!


The Way of Generosity

When Jesus said there is more joy in giving than in receiving, he turned our vision of the good life on its head. Through the practice of generosity, we tap into God’s joy, find freedom from greed through contentment, and embody God’s concern for those in need. If you’d like to dive a little deeper into the way of Jesus through generosity, we recommend these resources.

John Mark Comer has a great series on the practice of generosity with videos, companion guide, and opportunities for reflection. Go through it on your own or with a group of friends/family. You may need to create an account  with his website to get full access to the great materials.


Randy Alcorn also has some great wisdom when it comes to the way of generosity. We recommend reading his book, “Giving is the Good Life”