Text “Listen” to 805-979-2003
This Lent season (the 40 days leading up to Easter) we want to intentionally press in and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives…even in those areas that linger just below the surface. In order to do this we are going to allow Scripture and time in God’s presence to search our hearts and bring to light that which is keeping us from the path of everlasting life.
Click on the button below for lenten practices including scriptures (4x per week), guided listening practices, and questions for reflection.
The Power of Four
There has been research that has shown that spending time in God’s word at least four times a week drastically reduces negative and destructive habits…like 60-75% reduction depending on the habit! This had a greater effect than church attendance, prayer, etc. There’s no doubt that the Word transforms us! This lenten season, we want to tap into the power of 4…together! We are going to read God’s word and spend time in silence and solitude listening to the Spirit…allowing the scripture to take root. However, that will require making some space and reducing the noise and clutter in our lives in order to hear from God more clearly. Are you in?!
Get in the Word
Can you commit to reading or listening to God’s Word 4 times each week? It just might change your life! We won’t leave you hanging, here are some opportunities to dive in with others and on your own.
Sunday Worship • 9 & 11am
The Altar -Tues. • 6pm or Thurs. • 9am
Wednesday Lunch Pause
Spend a portion of the lunch hour with us at noon in the worship center listening to God’s Word and his Spirit. Bonus: fast from eating lunch on Wednesdays.
Scripture Texts
Text “Listen” to 805-979-2003
Midweek Bible studies
Prayer walk
Listen to the Spirit
Sometimes silence & solitude are uncomfortable. That’s ok. That’s how we can actually see and understand what lies beneath the surface. We will provide you some tools to help you listen through texts and our app. We also encourage you to take a walk (without music or a podcast!) or spend time journaling at least once a week, or as often as you can.
Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given—and you will receive even more. MARK 4:24 (nlt)
Reduce the Noise
In order to hear from God, we are going to need to quiet some of the other voices (even good ones) and noise in our lives. This will look different for each person and will probably require some sacrifice. Pray about what the Lord might be encouraging you to abstain from for a season in order to increase the volume of His voice in your life. Here are some suggestions:
- Social Media
- news apps
- news programs
- books/audiobooks
- Games (video, phone, computer)
- netflix etc.
- music in the car