Hey Central Coast Community,

Need a Neighbor?
If you find yourself with some unexpected needs during this season, let us know how we can help! Some examples might include getting groceries, providing a meal or simply some prayer and encouragement!
BE a Neighbor.
Many of us find ourselves with a lot more time on our hands. Why not use that time to help others?! We’re trying to help with deliveries, helping at our pantry stay open, and just general encouragement!
More Ways to Be a Neighbor
One of the biggest anxieties that this season brings is what it will do to some of our local businesses when so much of our daily lives is interrupted. We can be good neighbors by finding ways to help our friends who are worried about the lost revenue. Here are just a couple of suggestions…but get creative and support our community!
- Keep supporting our local restaurants by purchasing gift certificates. Local restaurants get some revenue…and you get a meal to celebrate when this season is over. This can also be a great idea for other small businesses like clothing stores, salons, or even pet groomers!
- Send a card of thanks to our first responders and medical providers. They are our neighbors who are on the front lines protecting us and it can get pretty stressful for them.
NOTE: Social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation…its actually physical distancing and distance socializing. So stay in touch through video chats, text or good old phone calls. When you do go out for essential services CDC recommends keeping a distance of 6 feet, wear a mask or face covering, and always remembering to wash your hands before and after interactions. Also, if you are feeling any symptoms at all, it’s probably best to just stay home. That’s the best way to be a good neighbor this season!