Throughout the summer we will be journeying through the epistles known as “the prison letters”. These are the letters written by the apostle Paul while he was in prison. They are letters that were written to encourage, build up, and correct the churches in various cities and they are still so rich and relevant to us today. In addition to gleaning wisdom from the prison letters through teaching on Sunday mornings, we also want to read through each of the books on our own during the summer. This works out to one chapter per week. To help you accomplish this goal…we’ve curated and created some tools to accompany you along the way.
Lectio Divina is latin for “divine reading”. It is simply a way of slowing down and reading through scripture in a way that helps us read not just for information but in a way that practices the presence of God and invites the Holy Spirit to work in us through the reading of God’s Word. After all, His Word is active and alive! Lectio Divina merges scripture reading with prayer and meditation. Obviously, you can do this on your own with your Bible. However, we’ll be sending out (and posting here) weekly audio files with some prayer and questions for reflection as well as a reading of the week’s scripture chapter.
Learn more about the historical and cultural context of Paul and his time in prison. Pastor Dave will be teaching this mid-week class on Wednesday nights and it’s bound to enrich your reading of the prison letters. If you’re unable to make it in-person, each session will be recorded and posted on our website. Click the button below to get more information, to register, and to watch class sessions.