Tim Hawkins is one of the most in-demand comedians in the country. With 1 million+ social media followers and 100 sold-out concerts every year. His show consists of comedy and music that is fun for the whole family.
Saturday, May 4 • 7pm
Here are a few things you may want to keep in mind:
1. Reminder: there will be NO Saturday night church service this night but we’d love to have you at 9am or 11am on Sunday!
2. You can pick up will call tickets and uber fan lanyards at the “box office” on the patio starting at 5:30pm.
3. Doors will open at approximately 6:15pm where you can enter, check out some merch and get your general admission seats. We will also have great coffee available for a suggested donation of $1. (entrance will be through the main doors to the lobby, the patio doors will not be an entrance)
4. Show starts at 7pm.
5. If you are a New Life regular and are familiar with our campus, would you consider carpooling and/or parking off-site in the Vertex or medical area? We’d love to make it a great, simple experience for those who are not familiar with our church campus. Thanks!
Looking forward to laughing with you this Saturday!
About Tim:
Since giving up his job as a grocery truck driver in 2002, Tim Hawkins has been establishing himself as one of the most in-demand comedians in the country. With 1 million+ social media followers and 100 sold-out concerts every year, his Jackwagon Crew has grown into a revolution of multi-generational proportions.
Tim’s gut-busting comedy show entertains the entire family while doubling down on the funny, a daunting task in an age where the obscene has become routine. His act is 1 part gifted + 2 parts twisted, the only certainty being his on-the-nose observations that expose the ridiculousness of daily life while marveling in its hilarity. The perils of marriage, homeschooling, and growing up in the Midwest may not exemplify the rock star life, but they make for really good punchlines.
Sure he’s funny, but fans are often even more amazed at his singing voice and guitar chops. Tim’s hilarious music videos have brought him viral YouTube fame with fan favorites including Sounds of Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Yoga Pants, Aging Rockers, Things You Don’t Say to Your Wife, Cletus Take the Reel, A Homeschool Family, and The Government Can. Still, Tim is no rock star: “It’s not like I have a choice. Comedy is my only life skill.”
Tim reminds us that for life’s many difficulties, laughter is always the best medicine – when the medication runs out. He just released his 9th comedy DVD, “Just About Enough”. Tim lives in Missouri with his wife and four crud muffins.